This is all you need to earn money while browsing the web. 

Since I've used this app, for two years, I've made nearly $2,000 just by searching & browsing

and creating content online for you guys all to watch. In this post, I'm gonna show you how to download brave become a verified publisher, so you can start making money while you browse the Internet. 

Hey guys, my name is Nissanvel... and if you are new to the website be sure you

SMASH subscribe & so you don't miss any future post. 

Now let's jump right into it. 

You're here because you want to be able to make money while you surf the web. You can do that on both Windows Mac and Linux I'm gonna show you guys how

the first thing we're gonna do is go to brave

use our referral code iuv633 by you signing up you should be able to as long as the promotion still running receive five dollars and free bat tokens so instantly just by downloading.

you're going to get free money now I've been using brave for the better part of two years and I can guarantee you that five dollars is only

just the start so once we go to brave

you'll see

this page right here and right from there we can download brave and it's gonna recognize your operating system whether your windows 64-bit windows 32 mac or like I said Linux and once you have it open it up and then the next website we're going to see is this one this is the brave verified publisher page

so all we have to do here is sign up and we're gonna put in an email that we're gonna be using to become a verified publisher then agree to Braves Terms of Service and let's get started you'll then be sent an email verifying the email that you use to sign up and that email will look like this 

all we're doing right here is verifying that this is the email that we're going to be using to sign up and log in to our brave rewards.

put in our name and sign up.

I always suggest two-factor authentication and here we are this is our brave rewards page this is a page you're definitely going to want to bookmark just so you can log in in the future. It'll have you put in that email that you registered with you'll then get another email that you'll have to click on for a link there's not a regular sign in for Brave rewards but here we are 

so the next thing we're gonna want to do is link our up holds account if you guys don't have one I'll also throw a link in the below for you to sign up


we're not gonna walk through the steps to make one but it is fairly easy and you know I have faith in you'll be able to figure it out so let's just connect our uphold account.

I'm just gonna login

okay so the next thing we're gonna do is add our channel so we can become a verified publisher so obviously you can do this with a website a YouTube channel a twitch channel a Twitter a Vimeo or even a reddit account.

today we're only

gonna do it with a new YouTube channel and all we do is sign in with our Google account that is linked to a YouTube channel allow access.

we re now ready to start promoting brave on our channel or on our publications to start earning basic attention tokens if you decide to push to an outlet to try to get signups via referral links you can do so right here here it says the brave referral program will get you up to seven dollars and fifty cents based on the referral that you sign up this is 

all based on a group and the location that the person signs up.

sign up now let me show you how to set up ads with a brave browser so now that we're set up as a verified publisher we now have access for people to give us tokens they're allowing us to send those tokens i.e. currency or money directly to our uphold account that's how we're going to make money and transfer money to earn money for ourselves 

we're going to use ads so right here on the right hand side of your screen you'll see that it says learn more about brave rewards we're gonna click that and it's going to show us all of our options and settings for advertisement and viewing so right here

our brave reward settings there we can turn and toggle on and off our brave rewards as well as the ads displayed over here is the settings to show how many we can see an hour this is where we want to set the max right now the max for brave rewards is 5 ads an hour ads will show up and they'll look like this

once you see that all you have to do is click or show the ad this is on Windows OS it'll bring you to a page once the page loads that counts as an advertisement view and congratulations you just earned basic attention tokens.

i.e. money i.e. currency in your own account. 

You can then view that account on a new page showing how many basic attention tokens or currency you have accumulated in your advertisement viewing if you're on Windows no worries an ad will look like this simply click it it'll refresh to a new page once the page is loaded

you did it again

way to go I'm so proud of you yeah you just earned money that money is

obviously accumulated on that main page that we talked about it'll show right

there and then backing your settings.

it'll tell you the date that that currency or money or basic attention tokens will be released to you within

these settings you can set up things to help other creators like an auto contribute a breakdown of your monthly contributions or just basic tips that you've sent to people you can do this on reddit on Twitter on YouTube anywhere where there is a brave verified publisher.

we can check this by going up to the brave icon on the top of our search bar and you'll see that there's a

little blue checkmark that means that this person that's me is a brave verify publisher there any of the tips that you send them can be logged and categorized and sent directly to them at the end of the month all you have to do for a tip.

you click send a tip it'll give you the option of five ten twenty basic attention tokens that you can tip this

Creator brave just recently also added a place for you to redeem your basic attention tokens for gift cards for more information on that check our recent post below this is all you need to earn money while browsing the web since I've used this app for two years I've made nearly two thousand dollars just by searching and browsing and creating content online for you guys.

I guide you in the right direction to start making money while browsing the web be sure you guys subscribe our site.

Thank you

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