Hi everyone and welcome back to BLOG where I talk about how to earn money online.
Today, I will talk about YSENSE a website where you get paid to answer surveys or complete different types of tasks.
YSENSE works worldwide and I will complete a survey to show you that you can earn a bit of money from this website even if you live in a small country like Ireland.
I will put the link below ,
if you haven't signed up yet.
Okay so let's get started. Here is a 5-minute survey from Peanut Labs that pays 101 cents so that's $1.01. I will blur out a few questions because some of them might be a bit personal.
What often happens with Peanut Labs is that you need to answer a few questions before starting a survey. It looks like I got accepted to participate, so I will now begin the actual survey. There might be confidential data, so I'll have to accept their terms.
This survey will consist of 2 parts but they should still pay me for this one.
So here they are just asking for my age, gender, education, personal income and which county I live in.
Okay so this seems to be a survey about "Politics".
I use all of those and I do see post about politics every day on social media.
This is a test question to make sure I'm reading the instructions. Always make sure you read everything before answering surveys, otherwise you might get disqualified.
Here I will choose "Prefer not to answer".
Here is another test question. World War I didn't come after World War II.
Here they ask how interested I am in politics.
So I knew how to answer those questions because I live in INDIA.
This survey is specific to India, so don't worry if you don't know anything about this country.
I doubt they will send out surveys like these if you don't live here And that was it I'm actually very surprised how fast that was. I'm quite happy to put a happy smiley for this one. Don't hesitate to select the other one if you believe your survey was too long or longer than their estimations.
Let's now go back to the Home page of YSENSE And as you can see, I got paid $1.01. I had
$0.96 a few minutes ago and I now have $12.94.
If you go back to the POST before I started this survey you will see that most other surveys were not paying as well and took longer but this is usually the way I complete them.
I'm always very selective and only choose the ones that pay well. I also sometimes get disqualified but that's the risk with every "Survey" platform you will encounter.
So now I'm going to show you the "Offers" section of YSENSE.
If you saw my Swagbucks post, you will notice that a few of those tasks are the same.
Offers change regularly and I've never seen some of those on Swagbucks.
If you like to play games on your laptop or on your phone, there are a few where you just need to complete a few rounds or reach a certain level to earn cash.
I remember this "War Thunder" game, but I completed it on Swag bucks. Here as you can see,
this offer was on Swagbucks back in July but they only paid me 200 Swag bucks points for it, so about
$2 and here they pay $7 for it. It took me about half an hour to reach this level without counting
the time spent to download and install the game, so it wasn't really worth the $2 on Swagbucks,
but for $7, I think it is. Most of the other offers in this section are about spending money or
subscribing to websites to earn cashback. I'll be honest with you guys, I don't usually like these
"Offers" because they can be time consuming but make sure to check every other week because they
often change their "Offers" and it can sometimes be worth it, especially if you're already planning
on making a purchase on one of those websites.
So now I will cash out as I have over $10 and that's the minimum withdrawal amount for PayPal, which is what I want.
The minimum withdrawal amount is $4.80 for Amazon.co.uk and you would get a £3 voucher. These
are the options we have in India because we don't have Amazon here so we usually use the one from the UK. If you live elsewhere, you should have Amazon from your own region.
As you can see, there are many different options but I always prefer to withdraw cash to my PayPal account because I can then transfer the money directly into my bank account.
Okay so I have to enter my YSENSE password and "Confirm". $10 has now been deducted from
my YSENSE account.
Let's see how this looks if I go back to the Home page.
Right so my available balance is now $0.94 and I've now just received an email from them saying my reward is being processed.
Alright guys, this is 3 days later. I received this email from YSENSE at 2AM as you can see here
saying they sent me the $10 I withdraw from YSENSE And there it is in my PayPal account.
I just got my $25. So it took about 3 days for the money to be transferred to my PayPal account.
It was my first time withdrawing money from this website. I might make more post about YSENSE in the future to show you that you can constantly earn a bit of money from here. For those who have already signed up to YSENSE, let me know in the comments below in which country you live in and if you had any luck with it.
To make money online work from home opportunities and much more so make sure you subscribe to website so you can be notified every time I upload a new content that's it for today go ahead now get started make some super easy and fast money by visiting YSENSE
I'll see you soon. Thanks