Hey guys, my name is Nissanvel... and if you are new to the website be sure you

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Hi guys I wanted to show you guys a site Rumble, with these you can earn extra money from tagging and uploading videos if you like to make videos and create video content and then this is a site that you can join in sign up with to earn extra money.

Click below to register.


They have a lot of partners that they work with some of them include YouTube. MSN Yahoo AOL Bell Xbox one Sun Discovery Channel in the Sun media.

you've probably heard of some of these companies so if you like to like it says create channels host distribute you can do all of that here and then earn money for your content like I said they also will pay you to time videos they have a limit on that,

I'm going to show you how easy it is to do that but on that home page this is

what you're gonna see you're gonna see the latest videos you're going to see, how many views they've gotten and how many days they've been on this site.

when you go to tag videos they do have a limit on how many videos you can tag per day but you can do it every single day.

you do up to five every day and the video clips are really short so they don't take a lot of your time.

Most of them are really really short and you can tag them so it's just as simple as labeling them and make sure when you go to tag your video that you don't click on the title but you just click on that video okay so below the POST you see the tags

You can tag videos again also you can just go through the list the videos ,they have and tag videos now they will limit you to five videos a day to tag but you can come here every day and we get paid to tag videos they only pay five cents per video that you want to tag number, if you did it every single day then that's an extra 72 dollars a year just to Tag videos.

you can cash out off you have $50 here through your PayPal account.

Now you can also earn money for uploading videos'.

you can create a channel when you join. They will show you the different ways and with that you can monetize your video.

They have four different ways you need to do so 





so how that works the profit sharing first like I showed you on our homepage they have a few partners that they work with including YouTube and you will get 60% earnings from their partners and then you'll earn 90% from YouTube so that's how it works that's how much you'll get per video that you upload and they approve if you do exclusive you're going to give the right to rumble and you can earn up to a thousand dollars for your video non-exclusive you keep the rights to your video and you can earn up to five hundred dollars for each video that they approve and upload here now for every video that they do approve you'll get $50 right upfront and if it lands on the front page here you'll get $100 so this is how it works.

I mean if you're if you've ever thought about if you have some funny videos and animals or pets or maybe you just want to create videos or make videos and then you can try this site like I said you can create channels,

here they work with a lot of partners that will actually show your video on these other networks as well so that's why you'll get that profit sharing but you select which one you want you get.

nuke it either select the process sharing exclusive or non-exclusive it's up to you however you want to do that but you can earn money tech like asset tagging video and uploading videos here.

If you have a Facebook account you can register through your Facebook accounts not you can just do it the traditional way and log in and confirm your email address and your PayPal addresses and get started so if you guys like tagging videos watching videos and labeling them or uploading videos and tightening them then you can earn extra money on this site.

so if you want to sign up make sure you click on the link below


If you have any questions leave those below.

so hope guys you enjoyed this post do like share and comment and share it with your friends who can earn income from this site.

I will see you in my next post till den BYE..

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